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Reading with a chance of tacos

Mar 31, 2023

Michelle Wilson was, until recently, a frustrated author, who’d achieved success early in her writing career with a terrific picture book, but then couldn’t get that next contract. Until she learned a few golden rules of being a children’s author.

I thought this could help those aspiring authors that have been...

Mar 26, 2023

Jo Panckridge, Vic Branch CBCA President, shares a very exciting program that gives kids a real voice in Australia’s premier book of the year awards. 

The CBCA Book of the Year Awards connect young people to great literature. During CBCA Book Week, we celebrate reading for pleasure and applaud our awarded books. 

Mar 22, 2023

You Two, You Two was a self-published picture book, and has been picked up by Hachette and is now a traditionally published book.

To tell us all about the book’s journey and how it’s transitioned, what the process was like, together with what she’s learned along the way, please welcome Brooke Hill

Brooke Hill...

Mar 17, 2023

Gavin Aung Than is a New York Times bestselling cartoonist and creator of Zen Pencils, a cartoon blog which adapts inspirational quotes into comic stories.

Zen Pencils has been featured by The Washington Post, National Geographic, and was named one of the Internet’s top 100 websites in 2013 by PC Mag and has been...

Mar 16, 2023

Get published! Be an author!  Write the next big kid’s book! 

For those people who want more on the process of writing for kids, for those who want to hone their craft, continue to grow, and want more of an understanding of the publishing industry, then Taco Bonus Episodes are for you!

Today's episode features a...